Friday, 22 February 2013

Music theory and sore knees...

So I haven't written in a while. Life and work have sort of got in the way as usual. Work has been suddenly very busy, I have another 3 new clients to add to my list of already 17. Running has been a great escapism for me and been going really well, but I have actually had a rather horrible flare up of reactive arthritis in the last week (brought on by that ghastly virus I had a little while back) which has brought my running to a grinding halt for a few days (I hope). Not only is this very frustrating, but it very much annoys me when I have to tell people what it is that I am suffering from. "Oh, you're far too young to have that?", is always the response I get. Yes, and don't I know it! But unfortunately, yes I do occasionally get the odd flare up and suffer for a little while, but it's one of those things, I just have to sit it out and wait for it to pass.
In the meantime, while I have not been able to run, I have actually found an interest and love for music theory. Bizzarly enough! It was one of those parts of music that I used to hate as a child, but now as an adult I can appreciate the benefits and usefulness that it creates. I have found a rather interesting online course which has been a great help in teaching me the fundamentals of music theory from Grade 1 up until Grade 6. It's definitely worth a look if you are about to take a Grade. So far this is has been going well, alongside me beginning to take my Piano Grades again (Grade 6 at the moment). And what better way to use my mind while sitting waiting for this blasted inflammation on my knee to go down!

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